
I guess we really didn't learn anything from Pinocchio

I remember growing up with my parents teaching me that lying is bad. And after Pinocchio, we all know what could happen if you told a lie. So lying's bad, right? At least that's what I thought when I was a kid. I guess things change as you get older, and times change too, and suddenly, lying becomes ok. Not only is it ok to lie, it's ok to make money off of lying! Hey, it's a capitalistic society, so if there are people willing to pay money to hire liars to cover their own lying asses, why not make a business out of it?

I came across the site Alibi Network on the Washington Post Express newspaper and thought it was a joke at first. I mean, your lie would have to be pretty elaborate if you actually needed professional "alibis". So I visit the site, and IT'S NO JOKE!!!!!! The idea is so wrong but yet I find the site completely amusing, and I admire whoever came up with this business idea. Their list of services include:

  • Create an impression that you have a full or part-time job with your own work phone number, email, business cards, and secretary
  • Create an appearance that you are in a certain location whereas you might really be somewhere else
  • receive an authentic looking invitation to an event so you can get away
  • Call in sick service
  • Rent a phone number to give to significant other as if the number is a golf-club or hotel phone number
  • Make purchases and take care of dinner and hotel bills on your behalf so they won't be traced to you
  • Invent, create and provide alibis and excuses for attached adults in discreet relationships

They might as well rename their business to "How Not to Get Caught" or "Perfecting the Art of Shadiness". I don't know about you, but I find some of these "services" pretty appalling. Isn't it enough that men (and a much smaller percentage of women :oP) are pigs to begin with? Now there are sites to teach men how to become even BIGGER pigs AND not to get caught in the process????? What has this society come to? Are some of these services even legal? What if someone committed a murder and needed an alibi? Where do you draw the line? Has our society really come to this, where our lives revolve around lies and deception? Did no one learn anything from Pinocchio???????


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